Tuesday 10 February 2009

Centrism - Eizehu Meqoman

Let's make a few general principles:

  1. The problem with left wingers is that they throw away the baby with the bathwater:
  2. The problem with right wingers is that they keep both baby and bathwater!

Eizehu Mekomam is CENTRAL to Qorbanoth, nevertheless it is usually davened up with such haste that one is not really yotzei limud mishnah at all.

Most Left Wing siddurim simply omit it.

Many Right Wing Minyanim say it @ warp-drive speed.

How about a "Centrist Solution?"

Eizehu Meqoman has mishnayoth. Instead of rushing through all 8 daily, say it once with care over the span of a week. In other words {IOW} Say 1 mishnah ever weekday and double up and say 2 on Shabbath.

  1. You have fulfilled your daily dose of mishnah
  2. You cover an essential core of Qorbanoth instead of benign neglect
  3. You need no longer rush
Kol Tuv

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