Sunday, 6 September 2009

Trustworthiness and the Two Cardinal Sins

[See Aroch Hashulchan Yoreh Dei'a 119 also Shulchan Aruch etc]

In the area of trustworthiness for Kashruth purposes - as well as other forms of trustworthiness -- A Jew is trusted unless suspect in the self-same area

E.G. a suspected adulterer would be trusted in Kashruth matters - but not in marital testimony. Also Vice Versa. An eater of an occasional "treif" snack would be suspect in Kashruth but trusted in other matters.

However, a Jew who is suspect in two areas is beyond the pale:

A Idol Worship

B Violation of Shabbat

Thus a Mechaleil Shabbat is Halachically tantamount to an Oved Avodah Zara.

And these are apparently the only two cardinal sins that get global treatment tantamount to being a Gentile

The other cases may include other sins when done habitually.

Although some liberals see Kashruth and Shemirath Shabbath As distinct. However - Halachically-speaking - this is not the case.

Rather they are intimately enmeshed.

Shana Tova


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