Saturday 20 March 2010

Source on Qitniyyoth

The Mishnah I found was Shevi'ith 2:7 in the Blackman edition note 44 says that Orez & Dochan pragim [frogs?] are extended to qitniyyoth as well. he cites no further source so i will keep looking

So here is my thesis as it stands:

  1. R Yochanan ben Nuri prohibits orez & dochan [Rice and Millet]
  2. Orez Dochan is lumped together somehow [Yerushalmi?] with qitniyoth
  3. On the Yamim Nora'im we follw RYBN partially when it comes to Kedushas Hashem even thogh we pasken like R. Akiva.
It is conceivable -even likely -that this partial, vestigial acceptance of RYBN is applied by Asheknaz to orez & dochan and hence qitniyyoth.

Also one should note, that this is JUST a minhag because there is no proohibtion of bal Yeira'eh or bal Yimatzei. It can be shown Talmudically that certain Minhaggim and Humrot are specifically applied in a limitted fashion. IIRC the Talmud mentions that R. Meir held that a certain stove had a tum'a problem but since it was g'zeira it was only partial. Aveiluth on Seifra is only partial, too
Examples on Passover:
  1. Matza Ashira is prohibtted but no bal yei'ro'eh and chillim and zkeinim are exempted
  2. Matzah Shruaah is permitted on the last day of YT in the Golah.
Kol Tuv / Best Regards,

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