Saturday 2 June 2012

Mussar: B'chirah on S'firah

The following is a fictional story..
2 Departed N'shamot [Yachin and Boaz] were discussing S'firah, its aveilut, the conflicts between R Akiva's Talmiddim

Yachin said, "I wonder when the wonderful day will come when the end of Aveilut during S'firah is finally at hand!

Boaz: It can end ANY time that B'nai Yisroel will it

Yachin: What do you mean?

Boaz: The Aveilut ends with a simple Tikkun, viz. To rectify the disrespect between the Talmidei Hachamim and fix the downfall of Talmidei R Akiva by overcoming jealousy and pettiness!

Yachin: And Nu what is holding THAT up?

Boaz: The learned Jews have chosen to debate the minutia of HOW to observe and preserve this Aveilut instead of focusing upon ending the cycle of lack of respect

Yachin: Please Explain!

Boaz: The Jews have consciously or unconsciously decided to take on the Aveilut and focus upon their past defeats, rather than to move forward and to end the suffering forever, by modifying their behaviour! That is their B'chira on S'fira 

Shalom and Regards,

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