Saturday 24 January 2015

Mussar: Hilchot Lashon Hara from "The Buddha"

I have found some interesting parallels, on the Internet, to the Torah's View against saying
Lashon Hara
Motzi Sheim Ra

When explaining Hilchot Lashon Hara to an Eino Yehudi, these rules may help.

Check out these guidelines to see how well they resonate with Hilchot Lashon Hara.

«Buddha said there are four things you need to consider before you speak. I would like to call them The Four Golden Rules Of Speech.

1. Is it true?
Is what you are about to say the truth? Are you absolutely sure? If there is doubt, leave it out.

2. Is it kind?
Is what you are saying kind? Is the intention behind it kind as well?

3. Is it helpful?
Does what you have to say add any value for the person? Is there anything they can do with and about what you are telling them?

4. Is it the right time?
Is it the right time for you? What are your emotions right now? For example, are you speaking from anger, from hurt or from concern?
Is it the right time for the other person? What is their state of mind? Are they paying attention?»
There Are Four Golden Rules Of Speech - NEW DAY NEW LESSON | NEW DAY NEW LESSON

Kol Tuv,

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