Saturday, 7 February 2015

Mussar: Hilchot Lashon Hara from Stoicism

Here is an Epictetus / Stoic version of Hilchot Lashon Hara


Below is an excerpt from the hand-book. The clearest Stoic statement about gossip I can think of....
33.1. Lay down from this moment a certain character and pattern of behavior for yourself, which you are to preserve both when you're alone and when you're with others.

2. Remain silent for the most part, or say only what is essential, and in few words. Very infrequently, however , when the occasion demands , do speak, but not about any of the usual topics, not about gladiators, not about horse-races, not about athletes, not about food and drink, the subjects of everyday talk; but above all, don't talk about people , either to praise or criticize them, or to compare them.
Epictetus (2014-01-10). Discourses, Fragments, Handbook (Oxford World's Classics) (p. 297). Oxford University Press. Kindle Edition
Kol Tuv,

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