Wednesday 7 March 2018

Nishma-Parshah: Vayakhel-Pekudei and Parshat Parah

Take a look at what's on
for Parshat Vayakhel, Pekudei, and Parah

Vayakhel: The Motivation for Giving

Pekudei: The Cloud

Re: [Avodah] Prohibition of Eating Blood

1 comment:

Mr. Cohen said...

Anyone who doubts that Jews are the indigenous people of “Palestine” should consider this evidence from ancient Roman historians”:


Also, the Bible/Tanach mentions Jerusalem more than 650 times. I know that this is true because I possess computer software that contains the entire Bible/Tanach, with the ability to search for specific Hebrew words, and automatically count the number of results.

This means NOTHING to political Far-Leftists, because they HATE the Bible/Tanach.

The very first verse of the Hebrew-language Biblical Book of Ecclesiastes / Kohelet says that King David, [who was King of Israel], ruled in Jerusalem.

Again, this means NOTHING to political Far-Leftists, because they HATE the Bible/Tanach.


Last but not least, if the Jews are not indigenous to the Middle East, then why is their language – Hebrew – a Semitic Language, that shares many similarities with the Arabic language? For example, both languages have the rare property of being written from right-to-left.

For more similarities between Hebrew and Arabic, go to:


How to Convict the New York Times
of Unfair Bias Against Israel:


Why Israel’s 1967 Borders are Undefendable: