Saturday 9 March 2019

P. Vayiqra - Two Mussar Maxims from Torah T'mimah

Here are two tweets giving us Mussar on the parshah from the Torah Temimah.

"@NishmaTweet: P. Vayiqra 1:1 Mussar 1 TT [1] don't enter pi'tom. Announce yourself first. Good etiquette, good psychology."

"@NishmaTweet: P. Vayiqra 1:1 Mussar 2 TT [2] don't talk or address someone w/o getting their approval first also Good etiquette & good psychology."

Thus, we see some Midrash Halachah offering us practical ethical behaviour:
Don't startle people by entering abruptly.
Don't talk or preach to people w/o asking their permission first.
Be considerate - and use wisdom when doing so.

Shavua Tov,

1 comment:

Mr. Cohen said...

Ancient Roman historians identified JEWS as the inhabitants
of Land of Israel, and located the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem


Who are the Palestinians?


Winston Churchill said this in 1937 CE:

“[Winston] Churchill did not accept that the Jews
were a foreign race [to the Holy Land]. He said it was
the Arabs who had been the outsiders, the conquerors.”

SOURCE: Churchill and the Jews
(chapter 10, page 115) by Martin Gilbert, year 2007 CE

Winston Churchill was British Prime Minister
from 1940 to 1945 CE and from 1951 to 1955 CE.


According to the Wikipedia internet encyclopedia,
these lands were conquered by the Rashidun Caliphs,
from year 632 to year 661 of the Common Era
(from west to East): Libya, Egypt, Israel, Lebanon,
Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Eastern Turkey, and Iran.

Therefore, Winston Churchill was correct when
he said that the Muslims were the outsiders
and conquerors, with respect to the land of Israel.


Harvard Law Professor Alan M. Dershowitz said:

“Palestinians have learned the political
value of invoking human rights rhetoric.

Indeed, Former U.S. State Department
official Alan Keyes has argued that by
changing the terms of the Mideast debate
from a political issue between Israel
and the Arab states into a human rights
complaint by occupied Palestinians,
the PLO has won an undeserved
political and diplomatic advantage.

Palestinian political organizations
now present themselves as human rights
organizations, and the media fall for it.”

SOURCE: Chutzpah by Alan M. Dershowitz
(chapter 7, page 230) published in year 1991
by Little Brown & Co ISBN: 9780316181372 ISBN: 0316181374