Tuesday 23 July 2019

Israel vote will expose Democratic divisions

From RRW

1 comment:

Mr. Cohen said...

Josep Borrell Fontelles, the newly
elected Chairman of the European Union,
recently said in an interview
in Politico:

“Iran wants to wipe Israel out,
nothing new about that.

You have to live with it.”

Lessons in the appeasement of Iran
by Sarah N. Stern [President of the Endowment
for Middle East Truth] 2019 July 12


Yigal Carmon
[President of MEMRI dot org] said:

A popular Arab saying goes,

“The Americans are good people —
they can easily be deceived.”

Americans are good people —
just ask the Qatari Emir

by Yigal Carmon, 2019/7/14


Yigal Carmon
[President of MEMRI dot org] said:

“For over two decades, Qatar has been
fostering and advancing nearly every terrorist
organization that has murdered Americans.

It praised Osama bin Laden, and after him
Ayman Al-Zawahiri [leader of Al-Qaeda
after Osama bin Laden], to the skies.”

Americans are good people —
just ask the Qatari Emir

by Yigal Carmon, 2019/7/14


Yigal Carmon
[President of MEMRI dot org] said:

Two months before 9/11, on Qatar’s state-run
Al-Jazeera TV, [Osama] bin Laden was lionized
in a show dedicated to him. He was called
“the No. 1 Arab and Islamic hero” and
“the conscience of the Arab and Islamic world.”

The program host underlined that as
“the [Muslim] nation thirsts deeply for
someone who will confront America...
not with words and slogans,”
and said that bin Laden was
“the right man for this important role.”

And indeed he was.

Americans are good people —
just ask the Qatari Emir

by Yigal Carmon, 2019/7/14


Yigal Carmon
[President of MEMRI dot org] said:

...Qatar cultivates anti-Semitism, even allowing
Muslim Brotherhood spiritual leader Yusuf Al-Qaradawi,
hosted and protected for decades by Qatar, to call
on its airwaves for a NEW HOLOCAUST
to be carried out “at the hands of the Muslims.”

Americans are good people —
just ask the Qatari Emir

by Yigal Carmon, 2019/7/14