Tuesday 7 January 2020

New RBH shiur on Koshertube: Social Orthodoxy and Social Judaism: Whatever happened to the Authority of God?

While it may be true that Orthodox commitment has, in general terms, been defined in terms of practice, there was always the clear perception that this also reflected acceptance of the basic theological principles of Orthodoxy. There could be disagreements; there could be questions: but why would anyone follow Halacha if that person did not accept the giving of the Torah at Sinai? This, it seems, is now changing -- on many fronts and in many ways -- and the very definition of Orthodoxy is now under the microscope. It is this issue that Rabbi Hecht addresses in his latest shiur on Koshertube on Youtube.

We invite you to view Social Orthodoxy and Social Judaism: Whatever happened to the Authority of God?  at  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTyWF-AIHSY&list=PL2DN7T35t8Tnv9IshWOqyiP1rCOppyMlk&index=244&t=0s

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