Sunday, 5 April 2009

How can we make a blessing on the counting of the Omer?

Following the destruction of the Temple, the Counting of the Omer is Rabbinic in nature. This can be deomonstrated as follows:
The Torah states to count following the offering of the Omer. Since there is no offering anymore there cannot be a Torah Level obligation to COUNT days following an event that no longer takes place!
Nevertheless, even many Rabbinic rituals do trigger a blessing. Therefore, there would be every reason to count with a blessing EVEN nowadays.

However, outside Israel every day is construed as doubtful. And when in doubt we do NOT bless (S'feik brachot lehaqeil). This is because the commandment to "NOT take the NAME of thy GOD in vain" any doubtful blessing is verboten. So even when you see the Talmud itself requiring us to bless on the Omer, then logically we would have to presume that this requirement is tied to Israel or any land in its environs that has no doubt. And therefore we, in North America for example, remain in doubt, and when in doubt don't bless?!

Zissen Pesach!

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