Sunday, 28 March 2010

On the Rabbah/Maharat Controversy - Preliminary Response

There is far too much to say on this in a simple Blog Post so I will leave you - dear reader - with just a tidbit.

My initial "Centrist" reaction is simple viz. Allow women to be certified for;

A) Handling "women's issues" such as Niddah and Miqveh.
Caveat: so long as they are issur v'eheter and not issues requiring a Dayyan

B) As chaplains for
• Hospitals
• Nursing Homes
• Hillels
• Maybe Military

IOW anything "non-pulpit"

I'm murky as to the "title" but certainly at least "Reverend".

And then wait a generation to see what happens

I'm still waiting for a woman to seek the office of "shames"! ;-)
That would impress me greatly!


May I also direct you to Rabbi Hecht's article in relation to the subject at the Nishma website at


Mighty Garnel Ironheart said...

I think this is a fascinating comment on the dark differences between MO's and Chareidim.

When MO's get controversial, they ordain women.

When Chareidim get controversial, they riot, destroy public property, call police "Nazis", steal money and body parts, etc.

Rabbi R Wolpoe said...

i essentially agree but I have a caveat

Now all Modern O's are open minded and not all Hareidim are intolerant.

It does seem that the VOCAL hareidim are the most intolerant and the corresponding vocal Modern O's are largely open-Minded

But I personally know exceptions in both directions.