Saturday, 23 July 2011

Chomer Lidrsush - Taanis Tzibbur Laining, "Rav Chessed v'Emet"

Originally published 7/23/11, 10:23 pm.
I was originally taught about the laining on Taanit Tzibbur:

Q: Why does Chessed precede Emet in the 13 middos? Namely - "Rav Chessed ve'Emet" ?

  1.  To teach us that Chessed can - and sometimes should - supersede Emet..
  2.  to Teach us when we do say the Emet, [and it might be harsh] we should do so in way couched in Chessed.
  3.  When we need to say both, say the Chessed first. "First the Good News" so to speak.


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