Friday, 22 July 2011

P. Korach H. Korach Parallels and Karma

Originally published 7/22/11, 11:42 am.
The parallels between the Torah Reading of Korach and its Haftarah seem most obvious
Namely each had to deal with their respective challenges to their leadership. Plus they used some similar language
But beneath the surface there are other connections
Hazal tell us that Sh'muel Hannavi was a descendant of Korach Himself. In Shakespearean-style Irony - Korach is juxtaposed to Moshe's position to face a similar, parallel, rebellion.
I cannot say that Sh'muel himself was a later gilgul of Korach, but doesn't that seem tempting?
At any rate, Shaul's incomplete Mission against Amaleiq is completed by HIS descendant Mordechai.
And I've suggested that Bush Senior's incomplete mission against Saddam Hussein was completed by his son, W
Leiv M'lachim b'yad Hashem.

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