Thursday 9 February 2012

Toss Candy in Haste - Repent at Leisure?

Does it take a real live accident to react to a danger, a sakkanah? Or can we use common sense first and be pro-active?


Aufruf Ends at Hospital After Chosson's Sister Gets Hit » - The Online Voice of Torah Jewry


Gabbai Almost Blinded By Auf Ruf Pekelach » - The Online Voice of Torah Jewry


Disclosure - My own son was hit in his eye by just such a missile when he was a young child. Do you think it actually took that for me to realize how dangerous this practice was? Not to mention how disrespectful it is towards K'dushat Beit K'nesset?


1 comment:

Mighty Garnel Ironheart said...

How can you speak against a custom our ancestors have had since Sinai? Why next week in the parsha it mentions oshe Rabeinu throwing blood on the altar just before Matan Torah. The gemara in Bube Mayseh (amud 1c) asks why not candies and concludes that they'd all been eating up at the Seder so Bnei Yisrael had none left. But if they'd have had candies, he'd have thrown them. What's a few lost eyes when it comes to maintaining tradition?