Friday, 19 April 2013

If You Had to Learn Just a Few "Sugyot" in Humash - What Would they Be?

Here is a list of my top ten "Sugyot" or Parshiyyot in Humash for in depth study.

1. B'reisheet - Laining for Simchat Torah - from the Big Inning through end of Vaychulu.

2. Bo - From Ch. 12 until the end [The Lainings for P. Hachodesh, 1st Day Passover, 3rd Day Passover]

3. Yitro - The Laining for Shavuot

4. Mishpatim - First 3 Aliyyot

5. Ki Tissa - The Laining for Shabbat Hol Hamoed

6. K'doshim - The First 2 Aliyyot

7. Vo'etchanan - The Last 4 Aliyyot

8. Eikev - The Last 3 Aliyyot

9. Kee Tavo - The First 2 Aliyyot

10. Nitzavim through the end of the Torah.

Best Regards,

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