Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Seeking More Objective P'sak

There is no way to guarantee consistent Results in P'sak. Rabbonim and Poskim are all individuals and see things differently. However, we can formulate a consistent approach to P'sak

A colleague of mine suggested a Beth Din [B"D] of

Mishnah B'rurah [M"B]
Aruch HaShulchan [AhS]
Kaf HaChaim [KhC]

The Kitzur SA used a similar B"D
Hayyei Adam
SA haRav
Derech HaChaim [R Yaakov miLissa]

I would use this 20th Century B"D loosely. Consult them all, before deciding, but one need not follow them slavishly

I would also amend the suggestion to work as follows

First start with Tur and Beth Yosef [B"Y]. Then as time permits, see as many sources as possible on the page, EG Darchei Mosheh, P'rishah, D'shah, Ba"Ch etc.

Then use the above recommended B"D, using all the sources on the daf of the M"B.

If every Rav and Poseik employed this common technique, P'sak might have a common feel.

After covering these bases, it then makes sense to me to consult the "Shu"t" [Responsa] Literature. A Bar Ilan CD might just be the ticket.

Best Regards,

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