Sunday 23 February 2014

Judaism and Victimhood

I was once asked
"Does the Jewish Mantra of Suffering actually ATTACT victimhood by means of the Law of Attraction?"

Maybe it's time to "Accentuate the Positive and Eliminate the Negative?" 

«Yet at the same time there seems to be a different reputation we have made for ourselves. In his New York Times bestseller Born to Kvetch, Michael Wex portrays Yiddish culture as one of disapproval and complaining, peaking with the statement that "Judaism is defined by exile, and exile without complaint is tourism." This perspective does not need to remain confined to the era of our exile. A simple look at the Bible shows that, both in the desert and in the land of Israel, the Jewish people are often discontent (e.g. Ex. 14:11-12,16:24-25, 17:2-4).

How do we reconcile the powerful contradiction between the strong positive imperative Judaism dictates and the longstanding practice of disapproval? How do we explain the paradox between the strong ethic of thanks, gratitude and appreciation Judaism so strongly advocates and the Jewish tendency toward disapproval and questioning?»
Born to Bentch: Judaism and Positive Psychology | Torah Musings

Kol Tuv,

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