Friday 23 May 2008

Autonomy in Authority - The Choice of Rabbi

Originally published 5/23/08, 6:50 PM.

Of course, to an extent, many societies elected dictators or even leaders with less power. E.G. the king of Poland used to be elected by the nobles who formed an "electoral college" of sorts.

But there is another issue. Autonomy as to when to consult an Authority! That is to say, when you choose to ask the Rabbi is also a factor in p'sak.

I had a lively debate with a member of Breuer's about this. I said that ultimately, everybody is their own posiek because they pick and choose when to consult the Rav and when to just look into the issue on their own. Sometimes consulting a Kitzur or Mishna Brurah represents a choice of which authority to choose instead of the Rabbi

Recently at a nursing home Minyan, I had to tell a fellow with Yahrzeit that a Shiva trumps Yahrzeit and we had a "Shiva" person there. The rather learned fellow did not accept my p'sak so readily but he did give in when I showed him the Kitzur SA on point. Baruch Hashem, we were able to split into two minyanim and make even King Solomon happy.

Good Shabbos

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