Monday 27 July 2009

Ma'akeh, Safety at Work, Profit

Originally published 7/2/09, 12:02 am.
Recently, the following string of events occurred:

A friend of mine was injured at the (fictional) Jewish Institute of Hackensack building. Apparently, a repair to the brick stairs was not made properly and he got quite shaken up on a loose brick...

While investigating the Mitzva and Halachah of Ma'akeh, someone pointed out that there is no Torah requirement to make the work-place safe.

I'm not convinced.

The Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 184:5 states that it is prohibited to allow any hazard that may cause one to get injured.

Plus there is the requirement of a Ma'akeh which prohibits allowing a hazard lest someone fall.

Question: are those who look the other way or justify these blatant kinds of hazards a form of Rodef?

At any rate, while I support the economic freedoms we enjoy in North America, unbridled capitalism can engender an unsafe and even cutthroat society.

B"H most modern societies have curbed extreme capitalism, and AISI, it is antithetical to Torah ideals.

Think of the prohibitions of lo sachsom (the last few dappim in Bava Metiza) and the absolute socialism enforced by during the shemitta year.

Of course - it goes without saying -  the Torah opposes unbridled socialism, too.

Rather, the Torah economy is not subject to any "ism." It transcends them all. While elements of several "isms" co-exist,  anyone who is a TRUE Marxist or a TRUE capitalist cannot be true to the transcending Torah. By defiintion it is a compromise.

The same may be said for other isms.

But this post is about not letting the great Mammon undermine our loyalty to Hashem, the People of Israel, and the Torah way.



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