Monday 5 October 2009

Sukkah Superiority

Avraham spends the entire Chol haMoed avoiding the CHIYYUV of eating in the Sukkah. Instead of needing to find a sukkah, he adjusts his diet to eat foods that do not trigger an obligation. He has water, fruit juice, a hard boiled egg, but nothing to kovei'a any s'uda

OTOH Yitzchak religiously washes twice a day and makes hammotzi and benches. He aims to get in 14 s'udos mamash over the course of sukkos over the course of the Chag

But Yitzchak also eats several significant portions of food outside the sukkah in addition to these 14 times. Some of them would be mamash k'vias s'uda, but maybe he has a "heter" when traveling or at the office.

Hashkafically Avraham has scrupulously avoided a bittul aseh, but makes no brachah on hol Hamoed

Yitzchak makes TWO brachos a day with a definite chiyyuv, but at least flirts with being mevateil the aseh once or twice a day because he has non-sukkah refreshments.

Which approach is hashkafically superior?

[One might equate this question with Sur Mei'ra vs. Asei Tov]


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