Tuesday 10 November 2009

P. Noah: Fathers and Sons - RSR Hirsch on 9:24

Years a go I came up with a cute, pithy idea:

That Poqeid Avon Avot al Banim refers to visiting the sins of the parents THROUGH, or by means of, the children.

Hirsch new edition P. 243 applies this to Noah's curse of Ham

This constitutes a serious warning: "Honour your father and your mother, lest you be punished though your children"
[Quotes in the original]

Meaning Ham's dishonour of his father Noah would be punished by means of his son K'na'an.

Sins that children commit against their parents will be punished by the manner in which their own children, in turn, will deal with them!

This is mamash my own P'shat on

Poqeid Avon Avot al Banim

Baruch Shekivanti!

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