Thursday 6 January 2011

P. Bo - Rashi on P'shat and D'rash

See Bo 12:4 and Rashi D"H V'im yim'at habbayyit...

First Rashi says X l'fee f'shuto..

Namely that if there are insufficient people to complete the eating of the lamb, and they will come to Nottar, then join up with a Neighbour.

V'od yeish bo Midrash:
That following "shenimnu" they may still withdraw whilst the lamb still lives....

Thus, Rashi does NOT force the P'shat to conform to D'rash EVEN when that D'rash is Halachic and Not Aggadic.

Thus, P'shat of a phrase can be independent of the Halachot derived from it - albeit the p'shat here IS influenced by Halachah in that it conforms to an explicit text concerning Nottar. So it does not CONTRADICT halachah either! [Can't be certain if it MAY not]

While Rashi does suggest that
P'shat conforms with Halachah

BUT he also adds

That Halachic D'rash adds a dimension that goes well beyond P'shat.


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