Sunday 20 February 2011

P. Lech L'cha - Leaving Israel During Famine

What does the Rambam mean in MT Hilchot M'lachim 5:9
«Even though it was a famine and one is permitted to leave Israel [nevertheless] "Einaah middat Hassidut" ...
And because of that Machalon and Kilyon - 2 "gdolei hador" ..left and were liable to destruction by "the Maqom

1. If it's Halachically permitted to leave, then who cares about "Middat Hassidut"?

2 How does being a "Gadol Hador" change their liability or obligation? Aren't ALL Jews on the same level of obligation and liability?

3. Why did the Rambam say they were punished - when even he concedes that they actually acted within the parameters of Halachah?

4. In Lech L'cha, Avraham Avinu left The Holy Land under similar circumstances - and he apparently was rewarded and NOT punished! How does this Rambam address that case?

For further sources
See Torah Temimah on Lech L'cha 12:10 quoting
Bava Qama 60b
And Note 13 quoting
Bava Batra 91a
And the aforementioned Rambam Mishneh Torah M'lachim 5:9


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