Tuesday 1 March 2011

Results of Poll on: Rabbinical Parameters

In our last poll, we inquired:

 Rabbi "Yosselle" is very fussy about his Baaeli Teflliah. And so he insists that the shul hire a single Baal Tefillah to lead all weekday services

What Reaction makes the Most Sense to you?

A. The Rabbi has a right to set a standard policy that offends everyone equally. Since it's fair and objective - no big deal [Objectivity is the fairest method of selection.]

B. The Rabbi's policy is intrinsically offensive. The Rabbi should be reprimanded for slighting everyone [Rabbi must bend over backward to avoid offending anyone.]

C The Rabbi should pick and choose acceptable Baalei Tefillah from his congregation and reject only those he deems unfit [Rabbinical Prerogative]

D. The rabbi should presume ALL members are fit Baalei Tefillah - unless a member excludes himself explicitly. [Hezkat Kashrut for all]

Your Responses (total 4)
Choice 1 - 00% (0)
Choice 2 - 00% (0)
Choice 3 - 67% (2)
Choice 4 - 33% (1)

Rabbi Hecht
While there was a very small response to the question, the majority gave the answer that I would also give. In my opinion, a rav's job is to set the halachic parameters for a community but it is the community itself who must implement policy within those parameters. As such, it is the kehilla's responsibility and right to choose the specific person they wish as a ba'al tefilla but it is the rav who is to set the parameters thus identify the pool of people from whom the kehilla can choose.

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