Tuesday 18 October 2011

"Yated" On LW Orthodox Reforms

«Open Orthodoxy is Reform Judaism for those wanting a certain comfort level with Orthodox ritual and some aspects of Orthodox practice, but just as those delis are glatt treif, so is Open Orthodoxy. In this sense, they are worse than conventional Reform. Just as unwitting Jews may mistakenly patronize kosher style delis, look at the menu, and assume it is kosher when it is actually treif - after all, who would sell kishka if not a kosher place? - so too, unwitting, often innocent Jews who don't know any better are being ensnared in the trap laid before them by the Reform purveyors of Open Orthodoxy.»




While I'm NOT defending the LW revisions - however these attacks on the "Others" may be a distraction from our OWN avodah. IOW we need to heed the dictum "K'shot Atzm'chau v'achar kach acheirim" [or here rather nikshot astzmeinu.]

We may be guilty of playing a simple self-deceptive game; Namely, by pointing fingers at Open Orthodoxy etc. we are prone to ignore our own failings and to overlook our own revisions of Halachah Maybe it's more productive to Introspect about ourselves and our own shortcomings rather than to attack the foibles of others.



Mighty Garnel Ironheart said...

Seeking intelligent analysis in the Yated is like seeking dietary fibre in a good steak.

micha said...

I believe he is arguing that at some point, we need to put up a levee around the word "Orthodox" before communal identity loses all meaning.

IOW, there is impact to chareidim whether or not Open Orthodoxy succeeds in holding onto its claim on the word "Orthodox". Simply because it could reduce the meaning of the flag, and thus reduce the chances of cooperation across its subcamps. Including the increases in cooperation between the OU and the American Agudah seen in this past decade.

Still, I have to agree with Gernel.

Bob Miller said...

"Others" can have a negative impact on us. The question is: when is that so onerous as to require our public repudiation of the "others"? Especially when the "others" don't care what we say anyway.

Mighty Garnel Ironheart said...

The problem is that while there are lots of folks ready to slap a left-side border on Orthodoxy, it seems only fair to consider a right-sided one as well.
From a ritualistic point of view, the Morethodox, as they call themselves, are certainly controversial and have an agenda of infusing their brand of Judaism with as much secular liberalism as possible. However, on a personal level these folks present as sincere, decent and honest. They are prepared to monkey around with ritual law but place a high value on ethics.
From an ethical point of view, there are many in the Chareidi side of the Orthodox community that, while being scrupulous on ritual behaviour, show scant regard for such things as honesty, decency and morality. While they may have their Rabbeinu Tam tefillin checked monthly by the best sofer they can find, they have no problem running interference for thieves and pedophiles in their midst.
To be blunt: the Morthodox may let women have aliyos but some amongst the Chareidim let yeshiva rebbes have little boys.
If there is a need for a left sided levee there is an equally important need for a right sided one.

Bob Miller said...


Your 10:59 AM comment begs this question:

Why are you, Garnel, zeroing in on the defects of others, when, by this article's logic, you should concentrate on yourself and your own circle?