Friday 25 May 2012

3 Aspects of "Na'aseh v'Nishma"

Naaseh v'Nishma can be implemented in many ways. These can be seen as complementary. Here are three models

1. We will perform the Mitzvah as per simple Halachah, THEN we will delve into the Torah Sources and learn about it "lishmah" [Intellectually]. The first step is learning Halachah P'sukkah, and then comes rhe Lamdut or the Taamei Hammitzvah.

2. We will perform the Mitzvah and come out a "changed" person due to "Adam nif'al l'fi ma'asav". This is based upon Sefer haChinuch

3.. We will perform the Mitzvah and then reflect in the afterglow about the EXPERIENCE of doing the Mitzvah. We immerse ourselves in the feelings and experiences after the performance. I base this loosely on RSR Hirsch's and Dayan Grunfeld's writings.

Shalom and Regards,

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