Sunday 8 July 2012

Basic Rabbinic Literacy - Intro

With the vast number of Rabbinic Texts in publication, how does one master B'qiut in Torah?

We've address this several times before, and it still bears repetition and summary

Let's look at an Overview of topics

1. Tanach
2. Torah SheB'al Peh [TSBP]
3. Liturgy
4. Hashkafah / Mussar
5. Halachah and Poskim
6. Talmudics
7. History

Despite my degrees in History, I may avoid defining a specific set of texts


I have no absolute definitive set of texts in every case merely some suggested preferences.

The specifics may vary with the individual.

The idea and the ideal is to foster a broad overview and to touch upon as many facets of Torah in a most efficient way

Shalom and Regards,

1 comment:

Avraham said...

my impression is that there are too many books. I think the minute a person has finished shas with rashi then he is fit to be a rav.
all the other books don't add much to this.
often the other books give people the feeling that they know halacha because they learned in the shuclan aruch how to kill animals and to salt them. This goes for the other books also.
I don't mean to belittle the greatness of th shulchan aruch but without shas it seems to do little for people.