God included women at Sinai - The Jewish Standard
A Reader Responds:
Dear Editor:
The Author's logic escapes me, because the arguments appear to be inconsistent.
1. She invokes the Authority of Sinai
2. She Claims that Sinai empowered women with the right to the Torah...
So far - no problem
However addressing #1
As a professed JTS graduate, what kind of Authority from Sinai is there nowadays to confer such an absolute right?
#2. The Power conferred to women at Sinai WAS separate but equal! The paradigm for that was Moses and Miriam doing separate but equal Sheerot at the Yam Suf. To then revise that Power using Modern Sensibilities seems somehow eclectic or inconsistent.
To Summarize, if Sinai empowered women, it did so on its own terms. If you wish to invoke Modern Social Correctness, then please leave Sinai out of the discussion.
A Concerned Reader
Teaneck, NJ
Best Regards,