Monday 24 February 2014

Insights from the Institute R Mordechai Frankel, Star-K Kashrus Administrator

Insights from the Institute
Rabbi Mordechai Frankel, Star-K Kashrus Administrator

Q:  Does bishul akum apply to food cooked in a microwave?
A:  Before answering this question, we must first address whether or not the use of a microwave would be defined by the Torah as cooking.  Rav Moshe Feinstein, zt"l,1 was asked whether the Torah prohibition of cooking on Shabbos applies to cooking in a microwave.  He answered that, although cooking by the heat of the sun is not considered a violation of the Torah prohibition of cooking, this is due to the fact that it is not a standard method of cooking.  However, nowadays a microwave is an effective and commonplace way of cooking and, therefore, would be considered a Torah violation on Shabbos.  Based on this, it would seem that using a microwave would also be considered cooking in regards to the prohibition of bishul akum.»

«Q:  Does a bike shed need a Mezuzah?
A: The Torah commands a Jew to affix a mezuzah to the doorpost of his house,8 as well as the doorposts and doorways within the home,9 with the exception of the bathroom.10  There is a discussion in the Gemora and Rishonim concerning whether this obligation extends to the doorpost of a barn, chicken coop or grain silo.  The Shulchan Aruch paskens that these locations do, indeed, require a mezuzah.11  Reb Akiva Eiger understands that one should make a bracha when putting up a mezuzah at these locations.12  Other Achronim, however, feel that because this halacha is debated in the Rishonim it would be preferable to put up the mezuzah without a bracha.13  In a case where the grain silo was attached to the house, all agree that the mezuzah on the silo door should be put up with a bracha.14»

Star-K Kosher Certification - Kosher Consumer

Kol Tuv,

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