Sunday, 31 May 2015

Bais Din and the Law CLE Symposium

Business Halacha Institute and  Agudath Israel of America Commission on Torah Projects & Legal Support Services LLC, invite all attorneys to a CLE symposium on  

WHEN:  Sunday, June 14, 2015  Registration: 9:30 AM Program Begins 10:00 AM
WHERE: Business Halacha Institute  1937 Ocean Avenue (bet. Ave's. N & O)  Brooklyn, N.Y. 11230     

10:00- 10:50  Choice of Venue
Exploring tactics on responding to a summons from a Bais Din, the parties rights to choose a panel, and the crucial differences between a Zabluh and regular Bais Din.   Presenter:  Rabbi Ari Marburger  Dayan, Business Halacha Institute; Author, "Business Halacha" (Artscroll/Mesorah)

11:00- 11:50  Discovery Rights in Bais Din
A discussion of the traditional role of discovery in a Din Torah, the typical process in a modern Din Torah, and some practical suggestions.
  Presenter:  Rabbi Chaim Kohn  Dean, Business Halacha Institute; Dayan KAJ.

12:00- 12:50 An Attorney's Role in a Din Torah
An analysis of what a trained attorney can contribute to the Din Torah process, and the halachic limits of advocacy.  
resenter:  Rabbi Avraham Gutman Dayan, Business Halacha Institute; Bais Din Vaad Hadayanim of Lakewood.

Free Admission   NY CLE: 3 credits  sponsored by ACE CLE Seminars  For registration click here  or for further information, please contact the Business Halacha Institute at or 718 233 3845 ex 201 Reception Committee Mordechai Gelber, Yossi Kazarnovsky, Naftali Leshkowitz, 

Kol Tuv,

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