Tuesday, 23 February 2016

New RBH Series in Toronto

Conflicts and Overlaps
at Adath Israel, 37 Southbourne Ave
Sundays at 9:00 a.m.

Fourth Series: Human Rights and Freedoms

February 28 - April 10

February 28   What is a human right? Do we really have rights?
March 6        Liberty - Are we really free? In what was, now and before?
March 13       Restrictions on Liberty - Valuing when we are not free and why.

No class March 20

March 27       Freedom of Conscious - How far do we really get to think?
April 3            Freedom of Religion - What about the Torah’s attitude to idolatry?
April 10          Freedom of Speech - When is too much and when is not enough?


micha berger said...

Nothing on Egalitarianism? THE hot topic of the past few years?

Rabbi Ben Hecht said...

We'll get there - RBH