Tuesday 3 December 2019

New RBH shiur on Koshertube: The Challenge of Unity

What is happening in Israel is perhaps the best present example of this challenge but it is an issue that has existed throughout the history of the Jewish nation. For various reasons -- but, most significantly, due to disagreements in theological standards and principles -- friction has subsisted within our nation. At the same time, there has also always been a powerful drive to maintain a united nation. How is one to weigh and respond to such conflicts, though, when these values, in opposition, clash? Indeed, at what cost unity?

In his latest Koshertube shiur, Nishma's Rabbi Hecht discusses the issue both theoretically and practically. We invite you to view The Challenge of Unity at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RdN7u7weBo0&t=13s

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