Sunday, 11 July 2010

Resuts of Poll on: Rebbe - Talmid Communication

In our last poll, we inquired:

Poll: Rebbe - Talmid Communication


A Student/Talmid asks a good question

The Teacher/Rebbe answers that question, but the Student doesn't "get it".

The Student then says "Rebbe, YOU still did not answer the question!"

The Rebbe proceeds to explain and to provide illustrations.

The student remains dissatisfied until he sees that Rashi gives the very same answer! All of a sudden it clicks.

Please choose a comment that - in your opinion - best critiques the situation.

A. It's the Rebbe's responsibility to explain his answer - therefore the unexplained answer is as good as not answering - and the Student was correct in saying "You did not answer..."

B. The Talmid needs "emunat Hachamim" and humility. If he failed to grasp the Rebbe's answer, then he should say "lo heivanti" - I don't get it and request the Rebbe to explain it better. He should NOT presume the Rebbe has failed to provide an answer, rather he should admit that he does not GRASP the answer.

C. The Rebbe should cite authorities and not rely upon his own logic or authority. And thus, by omitting Rashi as a proof-text, his answer was inherently flawed.

D. The Talmid should have presumed that the Rebbe has a valid source, even if the Rebbe cannot put his finger on it right away. The Rebbe - having seen many sources - should presumptively know his stuff even if he cannot connect all the dots right away.

E. Both the Rebbe and Talmid need to increase their empathy for each other. They are clearly not-so sympatico.

Your Responses (total 10)

Option A - 00% (0)
Option B - 40% (4)
Option C - 00% (0
Option D - 10% (1)
Option E - 50% (5)

Rabbi Hecht
It would seem that responders to this poll either believe that success in studies is either the responsibility of the talmid or the talmid and rebbe but cannot be placed solely on a rebbe. That is actually a most positive sign for the more one takes responsibility for one's success the more one assumes control over one's destiny. Teaching a student to look at oneself first and foremost ensures the possibility of the greatest long term success for the one person the student has control over is oneself.

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