Friday 18 April 2014

How a Gentile Converted to Judaism Because of the Sale of Chometz

«The rov responded, "That is fine, but not now. Wait another two days until after the holiday. In the meantime, tell me what happened. What made you decide to convert?"

The gentile related: "My wife is Jewish. When she saw that the chometz was being sold to me, she said, 'My dear husband, all the Jews are selling you their chometz, but what about me? I, too, am Jewish, and I, too, have chometz to sell to you.' I told her that the entire sale is fictitious; do I have the money to buy all the chometz? Surely the Jews don't really want to sell the chometz; they are just making up stories as if the chometz is actually sold. The proof will be if I go to their house and ask for the chometz. Will they give it to me?

"My wife told me, 'They will definitely give it to you! I am certain that they are selling it wholeheartedly. If you go to this one on Pesach and ask for a bottle of whiskey, he will give it to you.' I told her, 'There's no way! I will test them and see what comes of it!'

"I knocked on the first house, certain that I would disprove my wife and show her that she was mistaken, but I received what I asked for without any hesitation. The same thing happened at the second house and the third and all the houses after that. I knocked on ten houses and asked for something, and they all gave it to me. I said to myself," the gentile finished his story, "that a nation such as this that is ready to sell its belongings and everything it has in order to fulfill the directive of the Creator…well, let's just say that I want to belong to this nation!"»
How a Gentile Converted to Judaism Because of the Sale of Chometz » - The Online Voice of Torah Jewry

Kol Tuv,

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