Friday 11 June 2010

Traditonal Karaism and Neo Karaism I

Karaite Korner - Home of the World Karaite Movement!

«Karaism is the original form of Judaism as prescribed by God in the Torah. Karaite Judaism rejects later additions to the Tanach (Jewish Bible) such as the Rabbinic Oral Law and places the ultimate responsibility of interpreting the Bible on each individual. Karaism does not reject Biblical interpretation but rather holds every interpretation up to the same objective scrutiny regardless of its source»

Now for Neo-Karaism type I let's paraphrase the above:

«Neo-Karaism is the original form of Halachah as prescribed by God in the Talmud! Neo-Karaite Judaism rejects later additions to the Talmud (Jewish Canon) such as the Rabbinic Oral Law and places the ultimate responsibility of interpreting the Talmud on each individual. Neo-Karaism might not reject various Talmudical interpretations but rather holds every interpretation up to the same objective scrutiny regardless of its source»

And there you have it in a nutshell


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