Wednesday 29 February 2012

The Dating Game - 2

Previously we wrote in
NishmaBlog: The Dating Game

How Daniyyel claimed that 490 years will transpire from Mikdash to Mikdash. Subtracting 70 years for the Babylonian exile, that leaves 420 years. We have a firm Tradition that Bayyit Sheini lasted 420 years.

Scientific Historians tell us that about 586 years transpired

The first Temple was destroyed by
N'vuchadnezzar in 586 BCE
2nd Mikdash was erected 70 years later in 516 BCE
2nd Mikdash was destroyed in 70 CE

So how can 420 = 586?


Response -

Here is a cute model to help explain how we may view the "dichotomy" with greater flexibility

L'.mashal -
In football 60 minutes takes 3 hours

In basketball 48 minutes takes 2.5 hours

I'm guessing here too - that 420 of Bayyis Sheini took 580 years because it was counting ONLY the years it actually [fully] functioned. EG when the Greeks occupied it, it was a "time-out" and the clock stopped


There is also a hypothesis that the 480 years in M'lachim, from Exodus to Sh'lomoh's Mikdash, was about 200 years too long and had to be made up some how.


1 comment:

Avraham said...

Have you never been to a Jewsih wedding called for 6:00 P.M.. You tell me: when did it start?