Sunday 13 January 2013

Black is Beautiful

As I write this on 11 January..

Over the past few weeks I've been learning Hillchot Tefillin as part of my Mishnah B'rurah Yomit cycle

And so last Motze'ei Shabbat I asked my friend R M.Y. To help me blacken my Tefillin Shel Rosh, because it had some "white spots".

RMY brought his "blacker" and remarked re: the white spots - "those are body salts. Take a damp cloth and wipe them off". I did and they came right off. RMY: "you lost the shine, but it's now perfectly black..."

A few days later - I got a link to a speach by DR. ML KIng Jr. He "generalized" by saying that in the dictionary and literature Black is evil and White is pure. Then he added "Black is Beautiful."

Link to Speech


A few nights ago I saw RMY at Maariv. I mentioned the King Speech and that regarding Tefillin, Black is indeed Beautiful!

Best Regards,

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