Sunday 1 June 2014

Akdamut, Y'tziv Pitgam

1. How come both Akdamut and Y'tziv Pitgam are in Aramaic?

2. How come Akdamut comes before the Laining, and Y'tziv Pitgam follows 1 or 2 P'sukkim?

3. Who is the Yehonatan in Y'tziv Pitgam?

One approach answers them all

Both were designed as introductions to the Targum on the Laining of the First Day and the Haftarah of the 2nd Day, respectively.

1. Thus they are in Aramaic

2. Thus they come after the laining of a passuk and before the Targum. And this was true for both during the era of the Rishonim. For some reason the Acharonim changed Akdamut to precede the b'rachah, but left Y'tziv Pitgam as is.

3. Yehonatan refers to Yehonatan Ben Uziel, the author of the Targum on N'viim, including Habakuk.

Kol Tuv,

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