Thursday 8 January 2015

Eliyahu Safran Derech Eretz Kadma l'Torah: To Be a Mensch

Derech Eretz Kadma l'Torah: To Be a Mensch - OU Torah

«...Rashi notes that when Moshe was commanded to return to Egypt to fulfill his destiny to lead the people from bondage, he first approached his father-in-law, Jethro, and asked his permission. Astonishing! That the Creator of all should command Moses to deliver B'nai Yisrael from their bondage and before doing so Moses asked permission from Jethro?

What lesson can we possibly derive from this incredible tableau? It is as if Moses held up his hand to God and declared, "Hold on while I see if it's all right for me to follow your command."

And if Jethro said, No? What then? Would the Children of Israel continue to languish in slavery? Did Moses not realize exactly what God was telling him to do, and why?

Of course Moses understood God's command, and the profound urgency of the directive. But he also knew that he could hardly fulfill God's commend if he failed at God's desire for him to be a mensch....»

Kol Tuv,

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