Sunday 14 April 2019

How Dare They Speak for Us

From RRW
From: Jews Choose Trump <>
The Conservative and Reform rabbinical leadership along with affiliated lay groups and tepid pro-Israel groups,have revealed their elitist contempt for democracy and their disdain for Zionism by appealing to President Trump to force Prime Minister Netanyahu to break his electoral pledges. They did this in a letter sent to a Jewish publication on Friday, April 12. In that letter they called on our President to stop Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu from extending sovereignty over Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria.
Why not ask President Trump to do what they really want: overthrow the Israeli government and install a secular leftist government. Because that is what they want: they don't care about democracy or rule of law if Israelis dare not to want what they think Israelis should want. The rabbis, ironically enough, are trying to declare US sovereignty over Israel. They are acting as if Israel is a vassal state of the US.
These American rabbis and those allied with their thinking refuse to pay any attention to what the Israelis have found out while waiting, patiently for decades while the Palestinian Arabs keep repaying their every peace effort with ever-increasing terrorism: the Arab leadership will not agree to "live side by side in peace and security" with the Jewish state.
And at this point, most Israelis are not longer prepared to live in limbo. They have already rejected what these American rabbis demand they accept. On April 9th, the Israeli electorate gave a loud, resounding "no," to parties whose vision for Israel these Americans endorse, giving them the lowest election support ever. Not surprisingly, these American interlopers are not listening to what Israelis want at all.
Perhaps what is most galling is that the rabbis' outrageous April 12 letter oversteps their authority to speak for even American Jews within their respective denominations. They are not interpreting Jewish law, their alleged area of expertise, but are acting as Democratic Party partisans with its allegiance to the shibboleth that two states for two peoples will bring peace.
After Netanyahu pledged to extend sovereignty to all Israelis living in the disputed areas that are the heartland of Biblical Israel, the Israeli public applauded that pledge. Israelis gave Netanyahu the highest proportion of the vote that he has ever received in any election.
What's downright laughable is that these unelected American rabbis are now willing to prostrate themselves before President Trump whom they daily defame, calling on him to impose their preferences on an electorate which has rejected it as a threat to their survival. These arrogant, insulated rabbis have not learned from thousands of rockets fired from Gaza or the tens of thousands of missiles on the Lebanon border or the decades of stabbing, shooting, ramming attacks on Jews in Judea and Samaria. But Israelis have.
These letter-writing hypocrites hide behind protestations of love for Israel and then condition that love on doing it my way or it is the highway. They threaten that the American Jewish community will not support Israel if it does not do what they want. How dare they!
We witness with sorrow, the power of Rep. Illan Omar and her cohort in the cowering of the four Jewish Democratic representatives who cravenly echoed the rabbis calumny. Not one of them had the courage to demand that Rep. Omar be removed from the House Foreign Affairs Committee despite her outrages against American Jews and against Israel. Now they dare to tell Netanyahu to ignore the will of his people and kowtow to them, as they kowtow to their freshman colleague. Reps. Engel, Lowey, Deutch and Schneider - have you no shame?
Perhaps they all - the representatives, the rabbis, and their cheerleaders- fear that they may soon be turned away by what the Democratic party is becoming. Appeasement, however, is unlikely to win them a delay in excommunication. And since the real religion of their declining congregations is whatever is this year's Democratic Party platform, they now attempt to hoist this outrageous letter as a "Jewish" position.
Let us be clear, the rabbis have no authority to speak for American Jews in the political arena. They have disgraced themselves by doing so.
We gratefully recognized President Trump's commitment to the Jewish State and the indivisible linkage between a secure Israel and a secure United States during the 2015-2016 campaign and he has honored that commitment up to now during his presidency. We are hopeful he won't now be swayed by these leftist Democrats in clerical clothing.
If you agree with us, please tell the White House now before the meeting with the rabbis on Tuesday, April 16. Send your comments to or call the White House at 202-456-1111 and leave your comment.**


Mr. Cohen said...

“According to [Michael] Medved … you rarely find more than four consecutive generations of secular or Reform Jews.

When a Jew breaks with traditional Judaism, his children or grandchildren either will intermarry and raise their own children as non-Jews or indifferent Jews, so that the line of the family disappears from the people Israel – or they will return to the Judaism he thought he helped them escape. Thus the typical Reform Jew has an Orthodox predecessor no more than three generations back.”

SOURCE: The Lord Will Gather Me In:
My Journey to Jewish Orthodoxy

(chapter 2, page 15) by David Klinghoffer,
year 1998 CE, published by Free Press, ISBN 0-7432-4267-X


“…the Reform movement represented by your local Reform temple has its roots in social ambition, in this case among German Jews.

The scholar I. Grunfeld identifies three stages in the early history of Reform.

The first, naïve stage was initiated in 1810 at Seesen, Westphalia, where a group of wealthy Jews opened the original Reform temple.

The service was intended to simulate Christian prayer, complete with church bells.”

SOURCE: The Lord Will Gather Me In:
My Journey to Jewish Orthodoxy

(chapter 3, page 37) by David Klinghoffer,
year 1998 CE, published by Free Press, ISBN 0-7432-4267-X


“By 1880, 90% of American synagogues either had been transformed into [Reform] temples or had started out that way.

In the [American] South, Reform rabbis sought to give the appearance of Christian clergymen, asking that they be addressed not as “Rabbi,” but as “Dr.,” “Reverend,” or “Minister.”

Some wore black suits and white clerical collars, like Catholic and Episcopal priests.

Yarmulkes and prayer shawls were banished, and some congregations met on the Christian Sabbath day [Sunday] instead of the Jewish one.

“In New York [City], Rabbi Judah Magnes of temple Emanu-El,
a synagogue built to resemble an art deco cathedral, boasted that:

“a prominent Christian lawyer of another city has told me
that he entered this building at the beginning of a service
on Sunday morning and did not discover that he was in a
synagogue until a chance remark of the preacher betrayed it.”

SOURCE: The Lord Will Gather Me In:
My Journey to Jewish Orthodoxy

(chapter 3, page 38) by David Klinghoffer,
year 1998 CE, published by Free Press, ISBN 0-7432-4267-X

Mr. Cohen said...

“What beliefs did the Reform movement stand for?

A fog surrounds them in the minds of most Reform temple-goers,
but when I visited Rabbi Dinnerstein in his study at the temple
in [year] 1995 [CE] to ask for some clarification of his views,
he said something that crystallized Reform thinking for me.

I asked him what he thought happened at Mount Sinai.

He answered that he wasn’t sure but he
didn’t think it mattered that much.

From this blithe dismissal of the most crucial event in Jewish history, the rest of his religious outlook flowed naturally.”

SOURCE: The Lord Will Gather Me In:
My Journey to Jewish Orthodoxy
(chapter 3,
page 41) by David Klinghoffer, year 1998 CE,
published by Free Press, ISBN 0-7432-4267-X


“So from a strict marketing perspective,
the liberal-religious strategy cannot work for long.

The problem is a simple one of redundancy.

Many nonreligious institutions in American life
provide the benefits offered by liberal religion.

The New Age movement promises the feeling of spirituality,
without G_d. Want to make friends? Join a health club.

A whole spectrum of political organizations provide
the buzzing high of self-righteousness, without having
to sit through an hour-long service and a lengthy sermon.”

SOURCE: The Lord Will Gather Me In:
My Journey to Jewish Orthodoxy
(chapter 3,
page 48) by David Klinghoffer, year 1998 CE,
published by Free Press, ISBN 0-7432-4267-X


“An invention of the Reform movement, the notion
of “confirming” young Jews at age fifteen is borrowed
from Christianity. A sort of Judaized first communion…”

SOURCE: The Lord Will Gather Me In:
My Journey to Jewish Orthodoxy
(chapter 4,
page 52) by David Klinghoffer, year 1998 CE,
published by Free Press, ISBN 0-7432-4267-X

“But Paul and Carol Klinghoffer could not
give me a supernatural community, because
they did not belong to one themselves
and never had. The Reform movement is
a thing entirely of this world.”

SOURCE: The Lord Will Gather Me In:
My Journey to Jewish Orthodoxy
(chapter 4,
page 63) by David Klinghoffer, year 1998 CE,
published by Free Press, ISBN 0-7432-4267-X

Mr. Cohen said...

“Among secular and Reform Jews, however, there
persists an unarticulated hunch that Hasidim
(of whom Lubavitchers are the best-known sect)
are the most authentically Jewish Jews….

Most Reform homes have on their walls at least one
painting of Hasidim dancing…

Especially outside of New York City, where you don’t
encounter live specimens very often, Jews are glad
that Hasidim exist, perpetually dancing or
arguing or whatever exactly they do with their time.

While we ourselves marry Gentiles and bid our children
farewell as they exit the Jewish people, thanks to
the Hasidim we know there will always be Jews.

This comforting thought goes a long way toward explaining
the money secular Jews are willing to part with to support Lubavitchers.

They are our excuse, and they are well worth the expense.”

SOURCE: The Lord Will Gather Me In:
My Journey to Jewish Orthodoxy
(chapter 5,
page 82) by David Klinghoffer, year 1998 CE,
published by Free Press, ISBN 0-7432-4267-X


“Pioneered by an unbelieving Jew, Baruch Spinoza,
and perfected by a 19th-century German, Julius Wellhausen,
with his Documentary Hypothesis, this approach began
with the assumption that God could not have dictated
the entire Pentateuch. The rest followed naturally.”

SOURCE: The Lord Will Gather Me In:
My Journey to Jewish Orthodoxy
(chapter 6,
page 97) by David Klinghoffer, 1998,
published by Free Press, ISBN 0-7432-4267-X


“Without saying so explicitly, my mother had
made clear to me that she would be disappointed
if I married a Gentile. So have many other secular,
Reform, or Conservative Jewish mothers made this
clear to their children. But for most of these
same mothers, Judaism is mainly an ethnic designation,
with no relationship to ultimate truths.

SOURCE: The Lord Will Gather Me In:
My Journey to Jewish Orthodoxy
(chapter 9,
page 143) by David Klinghoffer, year 1998 CE,
published by Free Press, ISBN 0-7432-4267-X

Rambam Rejected Childless Messiah:

Was Daniel an Orthodox Jew?