Tuesday 7 May 2013

Hirhurim - Torah : A Rare Book

Guest post and Review by R. Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb on Hirhurim -
«Rare indeed is a book in which the author confesses that he made a great mistake. Rarer still is the author who is willing to retract his whole Weltanschauung, his entire worldview or hashkafa.

I have researched this matter and have found hardly any examples of an entire book written as a confession of a major error in our Jewish literature, or, for that matter, in the literature of the world at large.

Yet there is one book, and it is among my very favorite ones, in which the author admits that he and his mentors and teachers were wrong, and tragically so. That book is entitled Eim Ha-Banim Semeicha and was written by Rav Issachar Teichtal, zt"l, May God avenge his blood.»

Hirhurim - Torah Musings » A Rare Book

Best Regards,

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