Monday 13 May 2013

In Sincere Praise of R’ Aharon Feldman

«Initially, I was hurt and saddened when I read R' Feldman's original remarks. While I can't say I am thrilled with his position on this issue, there is something positive that I can say. R' Aharon Feldman showed the charedi world what it means to be an honest eved Hashem. It takes guts to apologize. It always takes guts. But it takes ten times more guts when you are the Rosh Yeshiva of a prominent Torah institution and the subject of your apology is persona non grata in the charedi world. It could not have been easy to apologize but it was the right thing to do and for that I admire R' Feldman.»
In Sincere Praise of R' Aharon Feldman | Pacific Jewish Center | Rabbi

Best Regards,

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