Monday 25 October 2010

P. Hayyei Sarah - Sh'nei Hayyei

The pun on Sh'nei Hayyei Sarah offers much in the way of Drash when we read this as "Sarah led [past tense] TWO lives"

Here are some of my favourites...

  1. A life here in Olam Hazzeh, another life in Olam Habba
  2. A life as a wife, a life as a mother
  3. A life as a public figure, a life as a private figure - I.e. both mother and wife
  4. Similar to #1 a Life as a real alive human being, and a postmortem life as a Matriarch and icon A legacy for the ages


1 comment:

micha berger said...

R' Berel Wein articulates a version of your last suggestion in his vertl for this week's parashah:

Perhaps this is why the parsha begins "these are the lives (plural) of Sarah" for Sarah lives on through Rebecca and through all Jewish women throughout the ages who emulate her and live by her value system and way of life.


PS: Why do we hold up Avraham as an example for everyone, but speak only of "Jewish women throughout the ages who emulate her"?