Monday 12 November 2012

P. Chayyei Sarah - "Sh'nei Chayei Sarah"

The word Sh'nei literally means "Years of"

However it is also a homophone for the Hebrew word for "two" [f.]

Thus, we have d'rashot on the question - Just what were the TWO lives of Sarah Immeinu?

1. Perhaps the most popular m'haleich is that Sarah had one life in this world, and a second life in the World to Come - Olam Habba.

I'd like to go even further -

2. Sarah had two Careers
The First was as Avraham Avinu's wife

The Second was as Yitzchok's Avinu's Mother.

One may see how protective Sarah became in P. Vayeira 21:10 re: the expulsion of Hagar and Yishma'el

3. From a Historical Perspective Sarah also had two roles

The First was as a living, breathing human, a Tzadeket in the flesh.

The Second is her LEGACY, after she passed she became Sarah Immeinu, a matriarch and an icon for all future Israelites forever.

Shalom and Best Regards,

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