Saturday 6 April 2013

What's the Good Word?

«Is there anything more damaging to the Jewish community than the various schisms and rifts that tug it apart?  Anything more hurtful than the way one judges a fellow Jew by the most cruel or superficial of distinctions?  Chesed, by its very nature, seeks to heal such hurts, not to perpetuate them.  Chesed must be chesed for all.

As we see with the chasidah¸ one who thinks of himself as a Chasid but who contributes to the judgments and opinions that harms K'lal Yisrael is, in fact, non-kosher, despite good deeds or determined piety.»

Words Matter: Chasid, Chesed and Chasidah - Judaism - Israel National News

Best Regards,

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