Friday 10 July 2009

Avot deR. Reuven - 3 Types of Rabbis

There are 3 types of Rabbis

  1. 1 Those who are headstrong whether right or wrong
  2. 2 Those who cave-in whether right or wrong
  3. 3 Those who are at times headstrong and at times pliant and submissive.

The first type to what may he be compared? To a superstar who exhibits the trappings of infallibility. By dint of sheer will and personality he convinces many of his "omniscience." However, when his headstrong positions based upon charisma instead of scholarship break down, his crediblity is undermined and soon even his utterly correct stances become suspect.

The second is too humble, too meek, too timid. Not only does he fail to champion his hypothesese, he fails to stand up even for his positions when they are black-and-white correct. He becomes a pushover and loses influence over people.

The third is judicious. When solid evidence supports his position he confidently advocates from a position of strength. However, when he merely is guessing, supposing, or proposing, he is willing to refine or withdraw his position in the face of hard evidence And kesheim shekibbeil sechar al haddrisha, kach yekabbeil sechar al happrisha.


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