Sunday 26 July 2009

Latest Messages on Nishma Minhag

33 Shabbos Hazzon - Lecah Dodi and Eli Tziyyon
Q: How can we mourn publicly on Shabbos By chanting lecha Dodi to the tune of Eli Tziyon? A: 1. While the tune is mournful, that does not necessarily...

32 Why Stand? Why Sit?
Question: 1. When the Ark is opened and the Torah remains in its place, why do the peoplestand? 2. When the Torah has been removed from the ark and is opened...

31 Targum and Meturgeman
The Halachah as derived from the Talmud requires: 1. That the Torah reading be accompanied by a Meturgeman and 2. That the parsha be read shnayim Miqra v'echad...

30 Minhag of Avel to Lead Benchin
My Chaver Gershon: "Where is there a minhag for an avel to lead benching? Gershon ___" Answer: Mourning in halachah P 380 40:19 "The...

29 A 9 Days Shower - The Navy to the Rescue?
Given Bathing for pleasure is restricted before Av 9, either all 9 days or at least shavua shehol bo... The dilemma - how to stay "clean" w/o stepping on this... Richard Wolpoe

28 Three Weeks: Minhag of no Meat nor Wine
The SA 551:9 mentions 3 differing customs re: refraining from meat and wine during the period leading up to the 9th of Av 1. During the week of the 9th...

27 Who drinks the 4 cups at the Seder
This research is courtesy of Jon Baker and is reprinted with permission -RRW A long piece on the history of drinking Four Cups at the seder in Ashkenaz and...

26 Washing Before Qiddush
MY daughter e-mailed me as follows: PS we were discussing customs and such in our Hilchot Shabbat class, and I wanted to know, what is the basis for washing...

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