Friday 7 January 2011

P. Bo - Makkat Hoshech and Posh'ei Yisra'el

See Bo 10:22 Rashi D"H "Vayhee Hoshech..."

Where Rashi notes that Hoshech was an opportunity to purge "Posh'ei Yisra'el"

It has always troubled me, how did r'shaim such as Datan va'Aviram manage to survive?

A clue is to be found by being medayeiq in Rashi's own words! The posh'im that were purged were [as per Rashi] ONLY those "shelo hayyu rotzim latzeit"

IOW the one's unwilling to leave during the Exodus were purged. However, other "nudniks" may have indeed survived to make trouble in the Midbar, because only one SUBSET of Posh'im were purged


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