Thursday, 28 April 2011

Aggedita Preceding Kaddish DeRabbanan

I'm debating several colleagues on this issue

Does either the "R' Chananya ben Akashya" or the "Amar R Elazar" need to immediately precede kaddish, or can it be followed with a d'var Torah and Kaddish d'rabbanan come after that intervening d'var torah instead?

Someone mentioned that the Y'hi Ratzon is a prayer not an aggadic passage
I'm not certain of that premise. My Edot Mizrach Siddur Avodar Hashem has the entire quote of Yehudah Ben Teima there which is apparently an Aggadic passage immediately before the Kaddish
At any rate on a Friday Night the minhag I with which I'm familiar is when saying a dvar Halachah to end with Amar R Elazar [alternatively R Chananya] before the Kaddish.
Think of Avot - Why do we end a perek of Avot with R Chnananya, doesn't the opening "Kol Yisroel" accomplish the same task?

Nevertheless some say Amar R"E first and then say a d'var Halachah and then say Kaddish. I'm uncertain as to why.


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